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Next: John MACKY [B.2]

Samuel Cochrane MACKY
b. 11 Jul 1844 d. 2 Nov 1914
(1) 1865

(2) 22 Oct 1868
Janet (Jessie) SHAW née WALLACE
b. ca1834 d. 5 Feb 1920

Mary Robertson MACKY
b. 1866 d. 1884
John Joseph Marmaduke MACKY
b. 1869 d. 1870
Robert Wallace MACKY
b. 1871 d. 1871
Samuel Henry (Harry) MACKY
b. 15 Nov 1872 d. 14 Aug 1916
= 6 Apr 1899

Samuel Cochrane Macky
Samuel Cochrane Macky
Samuel Cochrane and Janet w/Samuel Henry
Samuel Cochrane and Janet w/Samuel Henry
Janet Wallace (R) at Niece's Wedding
Janet Wallace (R) at Niece's Wedding
Samuel and Janet's gravestone
Samuel and Janet's gravestone


Samuel Cochrane Macky Obituary A very well-known and highly respected resident of Auckland, Mr. Samuel Cochrane Macky, passed away at the Auckland Hospital yesterday, after an illness extending over a month. The late Mr. Macky was the eldest son of the late Rev. John Macky, Presbyterian minister at Otahuhu, and the first Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly who came to New Zealand in 1854. Mr. Macky was born in Londonderry Ireland, in 1844, was educated in New Zealand, and in 1859 was sent to Victoria to study farming. Returning to New Zealand, two years later he was engaged in farming at East lamaki until 1873, when he sold his holding and became interested in mining at the Thames. As the result of a severe illness, he had to give up active participation in mining matters and accepted the appointment of collector for the Thames County Council. Mr. Mackay was business manager for the Thames Advertiser for some years, after which he received an engagement as traveller for the firm of Messrs. Ehrenfried Brothers. When the late Mr. Ehrenfned removed the head office to Auckland, Mr. Macky was appointed manager of the Thames brain and retained that position until 1887, then settled in Auckland, and engaged in mining pursuits. Mr. Macky was legal manager for a number of gold mining companies and he floated the Victoria Gold Mining Company— to be the first "no liability" company in Auckland. He was a member of the Devonport Borough Council for three years. He was a well-known contributor to the press and wrote under the non de plume "Farmer's Boy."
Papers Past · National Library of New Zealand