1838-1916 |
| E Robert Hall
Married 1860
Thomas Macky
1861-1955 |
1862-1942 |
1866-1943 |
1869-1952 |
1872-1951 |
1875-1958 |
1878-1968 |
Arthur William
1881-1931 |
We now come to Dorcas, the youngest and the only
girl of the family. One must confess that there was little blend of
John and Eliza in any of the sons-- they were so much the sons of their
father-- except perhaps in the case of William. So it is refreshing to
find that Dorcas is her mother's daughter-- plenty of character but with
all that sweetness of disposition which she inherited from Eliza.
In reading her first letter to Thomas it should
be remembered that she was then only 11 years of age. Compare the poise
of that letter with the efforts of a child of today. She was then of an
age with her niece Eliza Jane (James) with whom she wishes to correspond,
and Samuel Cochrane (Reverend John) a nephew, is going to school with her.
She received her education at the hands of Mrs
Andrew, so far as the good lady "could put her" and followed
instructions on the piano under Miss Hamilton.
It is perhaps not curious that she should
so early wish to go to New Zealand. But this attitude she maintains
throughout and in writing after William's departure she deplores that
"there are plenty of people coming pretending to buy but who never
come back". Somewhat despairingly she ends this letter with the
hope that they will all "meet in Heaven" if not in New Zealand.
It has already been narrated that she arrived
in New Zealand on the Cashmere with John and Eliza. Her age was
then 17 years.
Settling into the new home life at Salem she spent
time assisting in the church life of her brother, the Reverend John.
"She has been busy baking cakes and is very anxious". This was
for a soiree where she was to have a table.
When John and Eliza moved to Willow Glen
she went with them to complete this last little household of the old
people. On the May 10, 1860 she was married to Robert Hall of Mangere.
For this occasion John wrote to Thomas for "a small quantity of strong
drink" and a "pair of dark grey trousers". He urged Thomas
to come by three o'clock as the ceremony would be at four o'clock.
We cannot blame the old man for wanting something beforehand; it must
have been a lonely home when John and Eliza parted with their last child
and only daughter.
Married life commenced not far away, for Robert
Hall had a farm at Mangere. A change was shortly afterwards made to
Canterbury but not for long. They came back to Auckland only again to
return to Canterbury where they farmed in the vicinity of Riccarton.
Once again the return was made to Auckland and they settled at Kohura
in Papatoetoe. Here they remained until Robert Hall moved into the
Dilworth home in 1877 and farmed both One Tree Hill and Puketutu Island,
the properties of John Logan Campbell. He subsequently purchased Puketutu
Island and lived there for some four years after leaving One Tree Hill
in 1897. Robert Hall and Dorcas then retired from active life and
retired to their home in Great South Road. Meantime, Robert Hall had
owned the Te Rore property for many years, but as with Puketutu Island
the properties were in the care of his sons.
Dorcas died on the May 7, 1916, at the age of 77. She was survived by Robert Hall who died on the May 22, 1920.
It has been found necessary not to follow the
destinies of Macky women who have changed their names. But in this case
an exception had to be made-- not only for the reason that Dorcas was the
only daughter of the original family-- but also for the delight with which
everyone who knew her, takes in recalling her delightful character.