Marriage License of Thomas Macky
The officiating minister in the Presbyterian church in Auckland, to
Thomas Lindsay Macky of Auckland and Catherine Cochrane, of Auckland,
late of Londonderry
Sendeth Greeting
Whereas you are minded, as it is said, to enter
into a contract of marriage according to the laws of New Zealand, and
are desirous that the same may be speedily and publicly solemnized.
And whereas you, Thomas Lindsay Macky, have made
and subscribed a declaration under your hand, that you believe there is
no impediment of kindred of alliance or other lawful hindrance to the
said marriage, and that you, Thomas Lindsay Macky, have had your usual
place of residence within the district of Auckland for the fifteen days
immediately preceding the date of that declaration.
I do hereby grant unto you full license according
to the authority in that behalf granted unto me by the marriage ordinances
of New Zealand to proceed to solemnize such marriage provided the said
marriage be publicly solemnized in the presence of an officiating
minister, fully authorised to perform marriages and two witnesses,
within three calendar months from the twenty-second day of March in the
year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, and between the hours of
eight o'clock in the morning an four o'clock in the afternoon.
Given under my hand this twenty-second day of March, 1852, at Auckland
Rev Presbyterian Minister