Dorcas Macky to Thomas MackyMy dear ThomasI take up my pen to write you although I have little to say as dada and mama have written you all the news. I am happy to hear from my dear brother James that sister Ann and the children are all well. Give my love to Eliza Jane and tell her that I am expecting a letter from her as brother said she would write to me. Samuel is here and goes to school with me and is getting on very well; he can read a little and they have now this last week got the slates on their own schoolhouse and I think it will be ready to go into again in May. Dear Thomas, we have got the piano put in tune. We had Dorcas Running and Mr Donnell with the Carnshanagh people up here one evening and Dorcas played us several tunes. We had a very pleasant evening and I hope, my dear brother, that God will spare us to meet again and spend many happy days together and I hope you will be comfortable and happy with my dear brother James and sister and family. Dada says if you encourage us we will all go out to you. You will give my love to brother James and sister Ann and all my nieces and nephews and believe me to be your ever dear and affectionate sister Dorcas Macky |