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Rebecca Macky to Catherine Macky


My dear Kitty
    I would have been in town ere this but had no opportunity. I have no particular business and I've no money to spend. I am making arrangement to part with my little maid as I feel that it's not doing what's right to be getting so deep in debt and I'm not aware of any other extravagance I'm guilty of. I had hoped when I left Ireland we should have done with bills but not so. Thank God my health is good, it never was better, and if my mind is oppressed with care it could soon be bad enough with me, so that by God's blessing I'll do what I can. Don't say anything of this to John as he won't hear of it, but I'll have my way.
    I have an idea if you could get a pig's head weighing from sixteen to twenty pounds weight occasionally you could make collars of the countenance and a couple of cheeks. Not dividing them would make you a good dish. Halls charges about 2d per lb for this and I think you could easily get them and have them cured and hung now before summer. Put saltpetre in them and a little dark sugar.
    We are rather plentier of milk now as we had a cow calved. I wrote and spoke to Thomas about some good oatmeal and have sent to him time after time but I think he's sworn not to send it. I would not be so anxious but John was poorly. I borrowed from Ann Macky and she'll think I don't mean to pay her, and now in the cold weather far less bread would do us. I'll scold him well about it when I see him.
    Dorcas is very much pleased with the dress and can get trimmings in Halls for it. (As the cows are calving). Her mother is just recovering from a bad cold she got one evening. Dorcas was in Otahuhu and she milked the cows in the rain. She was very ill indeed and is not too well yet.
    Love to Ann. Kiss the dear children for me.
    With kind love to Thomas and a large share for yourself, I am,

Your affectionate sister,
R Macky

Kind love to Mrs Alexander. I hope she's not spitting at the tongs nor spoiling her figure.