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Rebecca Macky to Catherine Macky

Set Mrs G butter in cold water to the evening and let Dorcas take the milk... butter out of it and you will find it will improve it. It was churned yesterday.

My dear Kitty
    I had intended going in to town today but waking very early I fell asleep again and awoke with a bad headache so that I fear to go out in the sun. However, I expect you will have good news from Thomas today and this will be better than all.
    In Miss Scott's letter she mentioned having heard from Sarah a few days before she wrote and that they were all well in Cootehill. This I forgot to tell Ann as the news in the letter was not to her taste-- it was all about the minister's installation, her own feelings and her own little annoyances.
    I hope you feel considerably better and I'm sure if you don't it's not Grandmamma's fault. Tell her we are all getting on well. I am, as usual, the noisiest of the party but you would wonder how smartly we get on. My health and appetite very good. I wish yours was as good.
    I certainly think John will have letters by this mail. Tell Mother the potatoes at home have been as bad as ever and a wet bad harvest. Big Sam Baird has a letter from his mother and E Dunlop mentioned it too. If spared, you may expect me next opportunity.
    The heat is intolerable. I go without a petticoat every day.
    Has little John got his double teeth yet? There was no news in Miss Wallace's letter but that Robert had gone to America and they were all well and send their love to you and Mother and Dorcas.
    I remain, dear Kitty, your attached sister,

R Macky

If you'd send Sam to Scott's for John's boots.