Eliza Macky to William Macky(NOTE: Two letters on one sheet) CoshquinSeptember 1853 My dear William I take this opportunity of writing to you with Samuel Baird whose uncle sent for him; he paid his passage and sent money to fit him out. I trust, my dear William, that this will find you, your brothers, sisters and families all well, and that you are in a situation to do something for yourself. Thank God we are all well. We are all very anxious for a letter from you, we are looking out every day for one as we think it is now time we were hearing from you. We received my dear Thomas' letter last month. You may think how happy we were to get them and to hear they were all well as we were fearing something serious had happened on account of their long silence. I hope my dear Kitty is quite well and that they have now got a little son or daughter to be a comfort to them. God bless them all and grant them every comfort. I am sorry to tell you that there is not the least prospect at present of us getting either place sold, more than when you left. We have 12 acres of very fine flax, it grows in the White Lea and horse park. It is all bruised, your father is hurried out of his life. I wish he may be fit to stand it. Flax is selling very well at present. Dorcas was six months with Miss Hamilton learning music. We intend after the harvest is over to send her another quarter, she has made good progress, she can play many tunes very correctly. Poor Miss Hamilton on the Wall was quite out of her judgement, she was put into the asylum. Her friends have taken her to England. The Wallaces are all well, we see them often and James Alexander and Mr Andrews-- they are all anxious about you as indeed all your old friends are. Gallaugh people are all well, they have letters frequently from William. He is still with the same person near Geelong at £6 per week. He has purchased two lots of building ground and is building a house. He has sent home £30 to Mrs Macky. John, Rebecca and the children are all well. They have made great alterations in their house this summer. John, I believe, intends writing by this opportunity, he will describe his improvements to you better than I can do. Mrs Alexander and family, old Mr Cochrane and family and Joseph are all well. Give my love to Ann and let her know that her mother and sister are well. My dear William, Dorcas and I miss you very much and now that the long nights are coming back we will still miss you more. I often wish you had never left us but I trust it is for your own good and that you will have no reason to regret your leaving home. If so I will be resigned but I would fondly hope it would please God we would meet again. My dear, put your trust in God and be in your duty to Him and He will grant you that blessed peace of mind that the world can neither give nor take from you, and one thing I beg of you, always be a member of the Teetotal Society and you will never rue it. My love to Ann and James and the children, and to Kitty and Thomas and the little one. God Almighty bless you all and protect you from every evil, prays Your ever loving mother, Eliza Macky |