John Macky to Thomas Macky(Brought by William Macky)Coshquin 5th October, 1852 My dear Thomas I write to you with a heavy heart parting with William, along with being disappointed in not being able to get along with him. However, I will not yet despair and I trust that something will turn up that I may be able to sell all that I have and get out as soon as in my power as I will have no peace nor contentment here now. If we could get John to go and Rebecca and their family we would then be all planted together, and I wish it was possible for you all there to get him a surety of a congregation and I think he would go. We are all grateful for your goodness in providing such a place for us and I trust we will live to be able to reward you for your kindness and also to refund you for anything that you have done. For all that you will have the goodness to do for him, I will be accountable to refund, if in my power, to the last shilling. I trust that you and your dear Kitty are living contented and happy together and may God grant you His blessing and prosperity together and I trust the time is not far distant when I hope we shall all meet happily together. We waited long expecting to make a sale of our property but we have been for so far defeated in our purpose but I trust there is a good time coming and that something will come round that we may be able to accomplish our purpose. My health, thanks be to God, is good but I have got very stiff. I will get lively again when I get to New Zealand. I need not mention anything further as William will give you all information. I send my love to Kitty and I remain, Your ever loving and affectionate father, John Macky |