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Rebecca Macky to Catherine Macky

October 4th, 1852

My dearest Kitty
    I had hoped to have had a letter from you ere this telling us a great deal about the remainder of your passage and how you got on. We are now thinking you are not going to write at all. I'd like to have sent you something no matter how trifling but I fear it will end there.
    We are all sorry to part with good kind William. I fear his poor mother will feel too much. His father is in a sad way and Dorcas no better. I am sure you will all be very kind to him if he was with you but it will be an anxious time till we hear he has got safe. His sight is very bad and it's a great pity. He is a very excellent son and brother, he does not leave his equal behind him, I am sure. I love him as my own brother and for John, he will feel bitterly. May God bless and spare him to us.
    John has been written again to go out to the Jews in Damascus. I won't oppose him as I feel tired of farming life. I think the after night preaching now in the winter season makes me so anxious about John that the sooner he'd be done with it the better. Still, I think he won't accept it although they seem very desirous to have him and certainly write very flatteringly to him. He is greatly afflicted with toothaches or rheumatics or his health is very good and mine was never better. Little Lizzie has had measles since we wrote you last but it was a very slight attack and she is now quite well. Maggie is very well and with John back at school. Jos is up with Grandmamma and will stop till Sunday.
    Ann is quite well and no news, also Phil. Sarah is very well and John and children.
    If at any time Tommy and you have anything to say that you don't want seen, write on a separate bit of paper.
    Aunt C is no better. There is news, Mr Alexander is not married nor no talk of it. Mrs M J Alexander and family are there now, little Annie had worm fever.
    I need scarcely say that John sends his kind love to you, Thomas, James, Ann and the children. The children all send their love to Aunt Kitty and Uncle Thomas and wonder when they will go to New Zealand.
    Dorcas Donnell and Ann are to be with us tomorrow to stop for as few days. Dorcas is in the family way.
    We have had a stirring time of it with one and another, the people just manage as well as ever and I keep the house closer than ever. I'm many a time very angry but what can I do. Ann still continues very kind and thoughtful and so is Jos, but we have still the bad roof. William Hamilton does not go and this we are all sorry for as he would have been a good companion for William.
    Excuse the scrawl, dearest Kitty, and believe me your ever dear sister.

R Macky

We will all be in Coshquin to-night.