John Macky to Thomas MackyCoshquin25th May, 1852 My dear Thomas I write to you by this opportunity by your cousin William Macky who is leaving this now for Port Philip and Melbourne and leaving Mrs Macky and his four children behind. He has been unfortunate and is going to try his fortune in that country among the gold. We are, thanks be to God, in good health, and John and Rebecca and their four children are well. Yesterday was our sacrament and we are this day going down to Fahan to get their young daughter baptised; what its name will be I do not know. Dorcas is at school at Derry, she is with a Miss Hamilton, and is stopping with Mrs Alexander who is living at present on the Strand. She has been at school since January last, and we intend to keep her there as long as we stop here, which I trust will not be longer than September next, if we can get our ends accomplished. I trust that my dear Kitty has got your length and that you are happy together and may God send you peace and contentment and happiness together and I trust the time will not be long till we shall all meet, I hope contentedly and happy together. Your letter to John Macky, with your aunt's included, arrived here safe and Mr Baird's letters to his friends all came safe. I saw them all and we are happy to hear of their welfare and prosperity and I could wish from my heart that I was alongside of them, which I hope I will be spared to accomplish, though it is not an easy matter to get a farm sold here at present. But I will sell if I can find a purchaser at some price. I have some thoughts of sending William very soon to commence to cultivate that farm that you were so good as to provide for us lest I should be disappointed in means of taking us all out in September. However, I hope God will be our director. We were down in Fahan yesterday and Mr Connel baptised the child, its name is Elizabeth Lindsay. My friend William is going today and I have no time nor have I any great news to communicate beyond that your friends are all in good health. Kitty's father has got into his old situation in Mr Lindsay's and Mrs Cochrane has got a young daughter, its name is Jane. Your mother desires her kind love to your Aunt Baird and she will shortly send her a letter and you will give our kind love to them all and I hope that we will soon all meet together face to face in that fine country. William and Dorcas join me in love to Kitty and you and all Mrs Baird's family and may God bless and prosper you all is the prayer of your affectionate father, John Macky |