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John Macky to Catherine Cochrane

4th October 1851

My very dear Kitty
    Your departure has cast a great gloom over our little circle-- I did not think I would have felt so much grieved, yet how could it be otherwise-- while at home every place reminds me of you. What I regret most is that I was not kinder to you while it was in my power to be so.
    May Almighty God preserve you and carry you in peace and safety to your new home and may you be truly happy! And oh, may He grant that we shall not be long separated-- His will must be done and the future is hid from us. But I hope that our mutual expectations will not be disappointed.
    Rebecca is very sad, you are not absent from her thoughts at all and the least thing makes her tears flow afresh. Poor little Maggie is often calling you, and the other children are constantly talking about going to New Zealand to Aunt Kitty. Your thoughtfulness about them and your kindness to them we can never forget. I trust in God you will always have about you friends as kind and true hearted as yourself.
    I wrote your certificate and enclosed it in my letter to Thomas which I put in the portfolio. Rebecca has been thinking that perhaps Mr Graham's brother might be in the ship with you-- Jos could enquire, it would be pleasant for you if he were. I do hope he will succeed in enabling you to make the acquaintance of some agreeable fellow-passengers before he leaves you. Our anticipation of your loneliness I feel has been much greater than the reality will prove to be.
    The weather has been very dull since you left, but it's beginning to brighten up again today and like the weather, may your hopes be brightening and may all your sadness and sorrow pass away like the morning clouds.
    No news since you left but a note from Dorcas, enclosing a collar and papercutter on which Mr D has engraved your name. Rebecca will write and enclose them to you on Monday before which we will likely be surer of your address, so that there will be no danger of them not reaching you.
    The girls were up from Rosehill for a short time yesterday. After you left on Thursday Ann was looking at several houses that are to be let. One in Gt James St, a new house, pleased her very well but Aunt Mary thinks it too far off the preaching.
    We had a cup of tea with Mrs Hamilton and Miss H entertained us with an account of the exhibition-- she describes the things admirably. I hope Jos has not been suffering so much with his jaw-- we were very uneasy about him.
    Try and get the Illustrated Exhibition or London News, it would be very interesting to the people in Auckland.
    God bless you, my very dear Kitty-- Rebecca joins me in earnest prayer that every blessing may be yours. Our love for you will never cease.

Yours as ever,
John Macky