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Thomas Macky to John Macky

December 19th, 1850

My dear John
    The barque Sir Edward Paget arrived here yesterday from London. No letters for me. She brings 118 passengers but some of them are for Wellington and New Plymouth.
    Emigration to New Zealand is increasing very much and will increase more as the country is better known. Auckland, which is by far the best part of New Zealand, is but little known at home-- thanks to the New Zealand company which takes care to advocate the cause of its own settlements at the south and sells them to poor unfortunate people at home who, when they come out, cannot find it. But as that company is now broken up we may expect Auckland to get much the largest share of immigration.
    I wrote you last per the Oliver Cromwell, by way of Valparaiso, which you should get about three months after as it is much the speediest boat. This goes by the mission brig John Wesley, a fine brig and as she has very little cargo should make a good passage.
    I enclose you the printed letter from the office bearers of the Scots church here to the colonial committee of the Free church, explaining the causes of Mr Panton's going home. It was very unfortunate for himself and more so for the congregation here that he came out, as he is not at all fit to take charge of such a scattered congregation. He never visited at all and the people consequently knew very little about his keenness. I am quite sure he was a most sincere, good man but he has not natural ability to manage the people, and he would never listen to the advice of the session. The pulpit is now supplied by ministers from the Wesleyans. Some of them are very good preachers and all of them very good men. They certainly have done a deal of good here both among the natives and settlers, but then every one would like to have a minister of their own.
    Now I hope and trust you will not hesitate but come out. I have no doubt but you will get the appointment from the Free church as soon as you apply for it; but even you would not, come at any rate. There is plenty of room for two, and I am sure you will not regret coming. You will find the people very kind and willing to assist in everything.
    I thought when I last wrote that I would be home myself, but now I have little hope of that as I do not think we will ship anything to California this year. I will write again and if I do not go I will give you every instruction about the passage etc. I will remit to Kitty at the same time. I sincerely thank those who have been kind to her, perhaps I may have it in my power yet to be kind to them. I hope before 12 months to see you all out here and I think with God's blessing we will be happy. This is really a fine country and anyone that is at all industrious may live well, but I would not advise any to come except those with a little capital, and labourers. We have lots of young gentlemen.
    I have written to my father to come out, which I hope he will. Let none of you think anything of the long passage, you will find it very pleasant. Mostly every one gets fat on it, but I will write you more particulars about it in my next. Bring lots of good books with you and make arrangements to get out some good periodicals.
    We have a fine Sunday school in connection with the church, from 80 to 100 scholars. Mr Forsaith, whose name you will see in the pamphlet, is our superintendent and a very excellent one he is. I am secretary and treasurer. We have a weekly prayer meeting conducted by the office bearers-- it is very well attended. I have given more particulars in my other letter.
    We are all very well. James always promises to write, but this evil procrastination generally gets the better of him until he is too late for the mail. But indeed, he does not forget any of you. He is very kind and affectionate. Many a time he wishes you were out here. This parcel will cost you some postage but I think it will be interesting to you. I must conclude. I will write again shortly and give every information about the passage, and I think you will not hesitate but come out at once. With kind love to all, believe me, dear John

Yours affectionately
Thomas Macky