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John Macky to James & Thomas Macky

(Endorsed Father, Mother & Dorcas. Recd June 1849)
29th January, 1849

My dear James & Thomas
    I trust ere this that my dear Thomas is with you happy and comfortable and that you are all happy and well and thank God we are in good health. We received your letter dated 31st July on the 1st of December. We rejoice to hear of all your welfare and we also received a number of newspapers at the same time. My dear Thomas, I hope you had a comfortable passage and that your health has been good and trust you will be contented and happy.
    There has been no changes of any consequence since you left us unless this, that your Cousin William Macky of Lisfannon has started off to America. He sailed from Liverpool for New York the day before Christmas. Mrs Macky and children are still in Lisfannon and what they mean to do I cannot say.
    Your old friend Mr William Thompson has been confined since shortly after you left us. He was so ill that his life was despaired of and still not recovered but is better. It was inflammation in the neck and we understand a most dangerous complaint. Your friend Mr Joseph Cochrane of Chrislaughmore has commenced the Buncrana factory to work it himself and how he will get on it is not easy to know, but I hope from my heart it will do well.
    I was regretting before you went away that I had sold Kilfennan oats. However, the price of oats has lowered much and it is now selling at 8/- per stone and not thought to advance. The times are certainly bad for farmers in this country. I have not sold any of my hay yet. I intend to commence now as the price is not more than 30 shillings per ton. J A Macky sold all his at that price months ago and no advance yet, so that it is not easy to make up money to answer all demands at present.
    We are drawing a good bit of manure from Derry this year to Coshquin. We have now, we think, nearly what will do us. We intend manuring the open field and the two fields at the Glen. We have got no manure drawn to Kilfennan as yet. We have eight acres of it planned for manure if we can get it accomplished, but how it will be accomplished I do not yet know. This day will finish the planting of the Whitelee. For all we have but the three horses that can work. The young one is thriving well, but we are at a great loss for a fourth, but we must do the best we can.
    My dear James, I mentioned to Thomas before he went away, that my intention was that if you and he would encourage me to go out, and that you thought that we could do middling there, we would certainly part with all that we have here and go out to you, as we would all wish to be along with you. You have a right to be thankful to God for how you have got on. You would be a long time here before you would have been so well off. I am glad to know that you and your wife are living happy together and blest with (I hope) good obedient children. I trust Ann has had a good recovery and another addition to your family. I hope God will bless them and make them a comfort to you and her and that you may live long to see them prosperous and happy, and that my dear Thomas and you and them may enjoy every comfort and contentment and happiness is the prayer of your most affectionate father.

John Macky