William Macky to Thomas Macky(Endorsed Received October 10th 1850)Coshquin April 10th, 1850 My dear Thomas We are anxiously waiting for a letter from either you or James as we have not heard from you since a letter Kitty received from you written in September. But we hope that you are well and happy. I think that you might have written to me oftener than you have done. I have only got one letter from you since you went away. However, I am very glad to hear of your welfare in a letter to any other person. Kitty is at present in Carnshanagh, she came about a fortnight since from Cootehill. She had been away from this ever since you went away and I was very glad to see her back again. There is not any change in her. She is still the same in her affections towards you and is determined to go to New Zealand whenever she gets the wherewithal. You mentioned in your letter to her that James would have a ship leaving England again in September, which (if my father and mother would go) we might get a passage in; and that James would write in the meantime. However, there is no letter yet from James and it is very strange that he has never written since you went there. I do not know whether my father and mother will go or not. It greatly depends on what James says in his letter. My father is about selling Kilfennan; at present he has been offered £600 for it, but the expenses for making the searches for the titles would amount to £40 which the seller must pay. That would be a great drawback in the price of it so he is in doubt what to do. I think it will be better for him to take it and to pay his debts as there are some of his creditors urgent for him to pay them. Then if he would think it advisable for him to go to New Zealand, to sell Coshquin and the stock and crop would draw a good deal of money. I think James will not advise him to go unless he thinks he will live better. However, I am afraid there are difficulties to encounter in settling in a new country which people of my father's and mother's age could not well bear up against. And I would think it better if they would stop at home and for me to go and among us we would surely be able to send them home something handsome yearly. However, I hope God will direct for the best. If they do go in September I think it likely Kitty will want to go along with us. John has still a notion of going if he gets encouragement from you but Rebecca does not like the idea of so long a passage. So long as they pay him the stipend, well he will be pretty well off at home, perhaps better than he might be in New Zealand for a while. I have very little news to write to you about; the last time I wrote you was by Mr Baird, who is now your uncle. He left in February so it is likely he will be there before this reaches you. My Uncle and Aunt Tait were very much displeased with my Aunt Mary for marrying him but if he gives over drinking they may do very well and live happily together. James Macky in this town has got a son at last. They are all well. Samuel and John have been up here most of this winter and are at school every day. I had almost forgot to tell you that Rebecca had a daughter about three months ago. It is a very fine child. She will be called Margaret, for Mrs Shaw. The boys are all grown very tall and are getting on well at school. Dorcas has been down in Carnshanagh since before Rebecca was confined. She is grown a deal taller too since you went away. We intend sowing the white-lea with flax this year. We will not have more than an acre and a half of potatoes but will sow from four to five acres of turnips. Potatoes rot so much that turnips pay much better. I think a farm well managed in New Zealand ought to pay very well as farm produce brings a good price, but I suppose on account of labour being so high stock pays better than anything else. I have nothing more to say at present that I think would interest you. Father, mother and Dorcas join me in sincere love to you, James, Ann and the children and may God Almighty bless and prosper you is the earnest prayer of Your affectionate brother, William Macky |