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Next: Joseph Carn MACKY [B.3.f]

John Victor (Dick) MACKY
b. 3 Sep 1887 d. 15 Sep 1951
= 28 Jul 1920
Edna Graham ALLAN
d. 30 Mar 1971

Katherine Faith (Willow) MACKY
b. 25 Jun 1921 d. 10 Dec 2006

John Victor (Dick), Eric Spencer and Carn Macky
John Victor (Dick), Eric Spencer and Carn Macky
John Victor (Dick), Eric Spencer and Carn Macky
John Victor (Dick), Eric Spencer and Carn Macky
John Victor (Dick) Macky
John Victor (Dick) Macky
Katherine Faith (Willow) Macky
Katherine Faith (Willow) Macky